A Stranger

Sometimes I feel like a stranger…to myself.

Who am I?

Lost in the whirlwind of life.

Dealing with death, turmoil and strife.

Who am I?

Abandoned, afraid, abused or, misused?

Could it be I’m a muse?

I am so confused.

What if…

There’s more for me just on the other side of fear, hurt and regret.

Dare I discover there is a plan for me?

I fret.

What if…

John 3:16 is true.

For God so loved the world…

did he forget me?

It can’t be true,

for I feel forgotten, betrayed, delayed, I’m afraid…

to pray.

For He won’t answer me.


I pray anyway.

HE answered!

He answered and said, “I AM HE“!

Lo, I am with you always.

He told me about the plans He has for me.

He reminded me He is my Secret Place.

He knows my name!


I am no longer a stranger.













Groans That Words Cannot Express

The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. ~Romans 8:26

Have you ever been so weak that you felt like you just could not go on? A weakness so heavy that you believed your next breath would be your last? So weak from exhaustion, sickness, loss of a loved one or a treasured relationship, that had it been your time, you would have succumbed to it?

I have.

More times than I care to mention. It seems as if loss has been a shadow over me my entire life. I often times will say, I don’t look like what I’ve been through. God has kept me guys. He really has. He is so faithful and just yet, in those moments of weakness and despair, I found myself sobbing and crying out to God asking WHY and WHY ME?! He finally answered with…

Jeremiah 29:11

“For I know the thoughts and plans I have for you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”

That one verse has saved my life countless times and pulled me from dark places where satan wanted to end my life. I’m praising God in this very moment for having kept a hedge around me so that He could one day fulfill His purpose for my life.

I had to go through every thing that I have gone through in order for Him to get the glory. I am not my own, I am bought with a price.

